Who answers your investor questions?

For investors
min read

Diolog is the world’s first two-way investor communication software for companies and their respective investors. It is a mobile app for investors and a web software for listed companies.

Who answers your investor questions?

For investors
min read

Diolog is the world’s first two-way investor communication software for companies and their respective investors. It is a mobile app for investors and a web software for listed companies.

When you submit a question to a company you invest in using Diolog, it does not disappear into thin air or get lost in an email inbox. It is sent directly to the board members of that company via their Diolog web portal. 

The person who specifically answers your question will depend on the question subject. It could be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the Company Secretary (CoSec) or a board member. Diolog ensures your question gets answered by the relevant person in that company. 


How will they respond?

When a company receives your question on Diolog they have multiple ways of responding. Depending on whether your question relates to public or non-public information will depend on whether the company can answer your question then and there. If the question relates to non-public information or if multiple investors are asking the same question, the company may decide to release a custom announcement to all investors answering FAQs.

With Diolog, you can ask the companies you invest in a question when it's convenient to you, no need to wait until the next AGM. 

Can’t talk to the Board? Get Diolog.

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