Diolog logo in blue

Better investor connection

Scale retail investor communication using a streamlined, uncomplicated and time-saving software. 

Scale two-way communication with retail investors using the Diolog software


Best practice two-way investor communication

Seamlessly organise, measure and keep track of incoming and out-going investor communication.

Show investors you’re listening

Give investors the option to connect outside of AGMs, presentations or long conferences. Increase investor retention and reach prospective investors with two-way communication.

Categorise investor questions and understand key investor concerns
Categorise questions and save time responding to investors

Discover what your shareholders care about

Organise and filter incoming shareholder questions using customisable categories. Loop in relevant board members with question category reports.

Save time when responding to investor questions

Create a collaborative question registry to save time and ensure consistency.

Establish a digital question registry and use response templates to save time with investor communication
Understand retail investor sentiment and promote investor engagement

Primary shareholder data
relevant to your company

Export analytics on investor viewership, engagement and satisfaction responses. Aggregate all two-way investor communication data for communication risk management.

Shareholder insights

Get to know your retail investors with raw shareholder data specific to your shareholder base.

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Engagement metrics

Find patterns across announcement viewership, question categories and the ratio of current to potential investors. 

Behaviour & needs

Stay on top of general sentiment, interests, demands and what they want to hear more of. 

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Shareholder sentiment

Draw qualitative and quantitative insights from questions to contribute to your shareholder satisfaction score.

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Shareholder engagement made easier

Use proactive and smart engagement tools to get your company closer to both current and potential investors.

Cut through communication traffic

Build investors' trust by connecting them straight to the source. Make ASX announcements more accessible and send tailored communication outside generic reports.

Book a demo
Provide greater accessibility to information for investors
Diolog web app software showing how to add and edit FAQs from the listed company.

Proactively meet shareholder demands

Create greater investor loyalty with tailored and up-to-date information.

Drive online and offline shareholder engagement

Important date notifications and calendar integrations means current or prospective investors will never miss an opportunity to engage.

Create events and track investor engagement
Invite your IR team to collaborate on investor communication

Built for enterprise IR teams

Collaborate with your team to connect and engage with larger shareholder bases. Introduce investor communication risk management by reducing undocumented communication.