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How to invite your investors

After setting up your Diolog account, share the news with investors.

Get started with two-way communication

Once you've successfully set up your Diolog account, let retail investors in on the exciting news that they now have a two-way communication channel with your company!

We know investors can be tricky to reach, (we created Diolog to solve this), which is why we have outlined several suggestions below to make this easier.

Still have questions about how Diolog works?

Hand holding phone with Diolog logo image

Share the news with investors

Publish an announcement and email investors
Publish an announcement and email investors to invite them to Diolog
Notify your registry
Notify your registry to invite investors to Diolog
Post a blog or add a memo on your website
Post a blog or add a memo on your website to invite investors to Diolog
Mention it at the AGM
Scan the QR code to download the Diolog mobile app
Share on socials
Share on socials

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